

What Are Some Common Reasons for Replacing Teeth?

May 17, 20230 COMMENTS

Losing some of your teeth in an accident, injury, or poor oral hygiene habits further creates dental issues, including bone loss, tooth decay, and other dental problems. Be careful when this happens to you - these are some common signs indicating that you need dental treatment. If you are searching...

By Andrin Andrin


What Is The Process Of Root Canal Therapy?

January 30, 20230 COMMENTS

A root canal is a procedure that saves your tooth and removes the infection in the tooth. When the tooth pulp becomes infected, there are chances that you may lose your teeth. Keeping your teeth a root canal treatment is recommended by dentists to save your teeth. During the root...

By Andrin Andrin


Why Do Your Teeth Get Infected or Decay?

November 28, 20220 COMMENTS

Cavities are permanently damaged areas in tooth surfaces called teeth enamel that develops into tiny opening holes and openings. These are called decay or caries, caused by the reaction between your mouth bacteria and frequent snacking, sipping sugary drinks, or not cleaning your mouth well. Moreover, cavities and tooth decay...

By admin